
Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with BF Technologies

Events / Press Releases

Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with BF Technologies

While the world recovers from the ruins of Covid-19, this pandemic has further accelerated our transition as human species from information age to augmented age. Economic prosperity, regional security, social empowerment and quality of life are all interconnected and increasingly enabled with the union of strategic thought and ability to synergies various different facets of policy-making, with the understanding that Trade and Technology are the two key elements that underpin and define economic political and military power and are the main driving elements of the New World Order, and the agenda for social reconstruction within countries.

NUST Professional Development Centre has signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with BF Technologies with an aim to enable our youth & professionals to develop lifelong eCommerce skills that promote E-Employment and will assist in getting Pakistan’s economy back on track

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